Important Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education

For decades, the humanity predicted and waited for something that we know of now as Artificial Intelligence. These days, you see AI in almost anything, starting with your cell phone and ending with smart houses. Of course, one thing that we still wait for is the creation of robots that are going to be so human-like that it will be difficult to tell a real person from an artificial one. However, that sort of AI is mainly fiction.

On the other hand, it is safe to say that the kind of AI that we have now influenced almost every sphere of our lives, and education is not an exception. However, for one reason or another, the role of AI in education has been mainly underestimated, so we at, a professional essay writing company, decided to change that. We are going to list all the main aspects that AI improved in modern education.

Automated Grading

You can’t imagine how long it takes a regular teacher to go through all the tests and grade them all. That is when AI comes is more than helpful. Many programs allow teachers to take a break from grading while the system checks all the multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank tests. When it comes to essay checking, things are a little different since such programs are not developed yet, but they are being worked on.

Educational Software

It is not a secret that every student has a particular learning technique, and not always a teacher can provide him or her with a necessary educational approach. That is when various kinds of educational software step in. These days you can choose a program or a system that helps you most while the teacher’s help is also provided when required.

Improvement Points

Teachers are not gods, and at times, they also make mistakes. When some essential information or concept skips the teacher’s mind, the students are to make equal mistakes in the upcoming tests. That is when such useful course providers as Coursera step in. The system notices the patterned mistake and improves it while notifying both the teacher and the student about the mistake.

AI Tutors

When you do not understand one point in the study, you can’t move to the other. That is why many students tend to use the services of tutors so that all explained well. At the same point, not every student can afford a tutor. That is when AI tutoring systems come in. They are not ideal or too creative and complex, but they are developed to provide that basic knowledge that will help you move forward from the place that you are stuck.

AI Information Alteration

The constant access to all the miracles of technology that we have on offer now has changed the way we perceive the information. It is neither good nor bad, per se. It is different. Such an AI involvement in the information perception process may result in something entirely innovative in the future. It will surely affect all the spheres, and education is clearly not an exception.

Teacher’s Role Change

It goes without saying that no AI can substitute a real teacher. However, the scientists and developers are working on improving the AI educational systems so that they can take off all the unnecessary load of teachers.

Trial-And-Error Learning Improvement

At times it seems that there is rarely anything worse than standing in front of the class and being unable to answer the set question. The very same goes for the negative grades that you get when all the peers seem to succeed with any set task. Things like that will not have a chance in the future. When you are learning using a set program, you do not have to fail so everyone can see that. Whenever you do fail, the system will correct the mistake explaining why you failed in the first place. This is probably one of the best features that AI can bring into the educational process.

Precise Data

When a person fails, the AI system may not. All the data that is necessary for successful research, as well as the educational process required by every student, is never easy to gather and then sort it out accordingly. For a powerful AI system, such a task is not that difficult to understand and carry out. When you have all the data gathered in one place, you can come up with the best courses, attract the most promising student, implement the best learning techniques that correspond to the needs of modern students, etc.

Education Available Worldwide

It happens so very often that you can’t go to the college that you like just because you can’t afford traveling to the city it is situated in or anything of the kind. With the development of AI, such things may become extinct. The thing is that with the ever-developing technologies soon, you will be able to access anything from any place, and that will make education affordable for all those who are willing to learn.

To sum all up, it is safe to say that there are many changes that AI has already brought into the education system. However, that is clearly not all that we can reap from its developments. Many changes are waiting in the future as well.

About the author

Alice Jane

Alice is the senior writer and responsible for managing software and tablets section of PC-Tablet. She is very passionate about Gadgets & Technology and always looking around to use them in an innovative way in daily life. She reviews Gadgets & Applications to tell users about their optimum use to get the most out of in which they've put their time and hard earned money. You can contact her at