Microsoft Unveils Advanced OneDrive Sync Features Tailored for Business

In a recent announcement, Microsoft has unveiled a series of enhancements to its OneDrive Sync client, specifically designed to cater to the needs of business customers. These updates aim to bolster data protection, refine the File Explorer experience, and simplify sync settings navigation for enterprise users.

Key Highlights:

  • Introduction of a safeguard mechanism to thwart accidental file deletions.
  • File Explorer now organizes files into ‘Recommended’, ‘Recent’, and ‘Favorites’ sections.
  • IT administrators are empowered with advanced controls, including the ability to set syncing rules for specific file types and enforce privacy policies.

Microsoft’s commitment to data protection is evident with the introduction of a feature that minimizes the risk of accidental file deletions in OneDrive and SharePoint. When a user attempts to delete a shared file, a dialog box will pop up, alerting the user that the action will remove the file for all users. This proactive approach ensures that shared files remain intact and accessible to all relevant parties.

Furthermore, Microsoft has enhanced the ‘Add to OneDrive’ feature, ensuring that even if a user deletes a shortcut to shared content, the original file or folder remains accessible. The OneDrive team elaborated on this, stating that deleting a file or folder shortcut will only remove the shortcut from the user’s OneDrive, leaving the shared content untouched for others.

File Explorer Enhancements for Optimal User Experience:

OneDrive’s File Explorer has undergone significant improvements to facilitate easier access to crucial files. The home page now segregates files into three distinct sections: ‘Recommended’, ‘Recent’, and ‘Favorites’. In the pipeline is a new ‘Details Pane’ feature that will allow users to glean information about a selected file, such as related activities, a thumbnail, and its shared status, without the need to open it.

OneDrive Sync Settings and Other Noteworthy Improvements:

The latest OneDrive update has also revamped the sync settings. The most frequently accessed settings are now prominently displayed on the front page, while the less commonly used ones have been relocated to a secondary ‘Advanced Settings’ page. Microsoft is also set to empower IT administrators with the capability to set rules that include or exclude specific file types from syncing to OneDrive accounts. Additionally, administrators will have the tools to enforce privacy policies, ensuring that certain content types are not stored in the cloud. These features, aimed at ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, are slated for release in the coming months.

Lastly, in a move that promises to enhance user productivity, Microsoft has announced that users will soon be able to open and edit any file stored in OneDrive directly via desktop applications. Any changes made will be automatically synchronized with the cloud version of the file, with this feature expected to roll out in December 2023.


Microsoft’s latest OneDrive updates underscore the tech giant’s commitment to enhancing user experience and data protection for business customers. By introducing features that prevent accidental data loss, refining the File Explorer, and offering advanced control to IT administrators, Microsoft is ensuring that OneDrive remains a top choice for businesses seeking a reliable and feature-rich cloud storage solution.

About the author

James Miller

Senior writer & Rumors Analyst, James is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology. You can contact him at