How to Decrease Your Dependence on Electronics

It’s probable that you’ve checked your inbox, Facebook, and fantasy football team roster within the past few minutes. Now more than ever, people rely heavily on their electronic devices. It’s not shocking that your brain and body show the effects of your continued technology usage.

Despite your reluctance to admit that you have a problem with excessive use of technology, your significant other has asked you to put aside your phone on more than one occasion. If you’re bored and need something to do, you might start tapping on various apps until you find you are the go-to. The good news is that disconnecting from technology doesn’t have to be difficult; here are seven strategies you can do right away.

Keep Screens Out of the Bedroom at Night

Avoiding electronic devices in the bedroom before bed can enhance your sleep quality and positively affect your health. Keeping screens out of the bedroom can help create a more favorable atmosphere to sleep in. Before turning in for the night, you can indulge in some screen time by, for example, checking your social media accounts, watching an episode of your favorite TV show, or playing an online game that can be completed in a short amount of time, such as Minecraft, a three-dimensional computer game in which players can build anything. Alternatively, you could visit a website that offers a wide variety of games that feature real money slots. They suggest some entertaining and trustworthy online casinos to try. They consistently include the top five online casinos in your region, and you may learn about their promotions and bonuses. You can do a lot in a short amount of time and then go to sleep without worrying about the things you miss.

Establish and Maintain It

It can be helpful to set goals for limiting screen time to establish a feeling of purpose and have a concrete target to work towards. It’s vital to set reasonable and attainable objectives, like lowering screen time by a certain amount each week or setting apart certain periods each day when you won’t use any technology at all. Individuals can successfully reduce their screen time and keep a healthy relationship with technology by setting objectives, tracking progress, and being accountable.

Disable Alerts from Apps that Aren’t Necessary

A straightforward yet efficient strategy for cutting down on screen time is to disable notifications for applications that aren’t necessary. Disabling notifications allows you to reduce the number of interruptions and diversions experienced, which is helpful because they may be a continual distraction and a temptation to pick up our devices and check for updates. Because of this, you can concentrate on the subject and use our devices more attentively. One can stop receiving alerts by going to the settings menu on their mobile device, selecting the app in question, and then turn off notifications for that particular app. This seemingly insignificant adjustment may significantly affect efforts to reduce screen time and encourage healthy behavior when using technology.

Attempt to Occupy Your Time in Other Ways

Finding ways to spend time that don’t include a screen is one approach to reducing one’s usage of such devices. Taking a break from screen time to engage in activities like reading, exercise, and socializing can benefit one’s health on multiple fronts. Spending time with friends and family can build social bonds and create opportunities for meaningful talks and experiences.

It’s crucial to pick pursuits that are in harmony with one’s passions and make one feel content and at ease. When the weather is nice, one can hike or work in one’s garden. If you’re into arts and crafts, you might want to try painting or drawing. The more time people spend away from screens, the more likely they are to participate in activities that matter to them and that have a positive impact on their health and happiness.

During Long Screen Usage, Take Breaks

Taking breaks from screens at regular intervals throughout long usage sessions has been shown to reduce the occurrence of eye strain, headaches, and neck pain and increase concentration and productivity, so check first your messages and Gmail and do some rest. To relieve strain in the eyes, neck, and back, it is recommended to take breaks from screen time and engage in physical activity or stretching exercises. Also, this can rest your mind, letting you get back to work with renewed energy and sharper concentration. Screen time should be broken up regularly at predetermined intervals (such as once an hour) or when the user experiences fatigue or discomfort.


About the author

Anand Deb

Anand is a social geek blogger and tech enthusiast. He loves writing about technology and photography. He specializes the field of Internet Marketing and interested to dig deeper into the world of media and social networking.