5 Reasons Your Company Needs to Get More Serious About Data

Data is at the heart of every modern company. However, unless you know how to use it, data is just so much wasted information – you need to get smart about using it to unlock its potential.

We’ve put together five reasons your company needs to make better use of its databases.

1. It’s Easier to Work With Than Ever

There are superb client tools available to help manage your company’s databases more efficiently. For example, a PostgreSQL client tool can help you filter, sort, and manage data using Postgre, one of the world’s most popular and powerful databases.

Intuitive clients help companies manage data effectively without having to invest heavily. This is a great way to add value to your business and make full use of your databases – highly recommended.

2. Data Marketing is Here to Stay

Data marketing has emerged as a dominant player in digital advertising, and this looks set to continue in the near future. Data-driven marketing helps businesses reach incredibly niche subsets of consumers with perfectly targeted ads, whether it’s through email, PPC ads on search engines, or social media platforms.

Even though it’s established itself as one of the leading forces in digital marketing, not enough companies understand how to make this information work for them. From cookies to contact forms that help you understand your customer and what they want, companies aren’t harvesting or utilizing data nearly as effectively as they could be.

Make your marketing strategies more streamlined and cost-effective by improving your database management. Why send a generic message when you can speak directly to a customer in their own language? If you’re not doing this already, it’s time to catch up. If you are, it’s time to take it to the next level and get ahead.

3. It’s The Best Way to Build Strategies

It’s not just marketing strategies that benefit from data-driven decision-making. Sales teams can be equipped with insights gleaned from databases to help them close a pitch. Executives can trace where the company is succeeding and where it’s losing money by using better-organized databases.

Short and long-term growth both benefit from a data-driven approach. Google Analytics is easy enough, but your consumers’ online shopping behavior contains reams of information that you should be using to identify your company’s strengths and weaknesses.

4. We Don’t Know What It Will Be Good For Next

We mentioned that stockpiling data in warehouses without using it is a waste of resources. This is true enough – but even if you can’t figure out what to do with a dataset right now, that doesn’t mean it won’t be useful in the future. Keep it around.

It’s only a matter of time before Google or another digital pioneer comes up with a new way to monetize data. When this happens, you want neatly organized databases at the ready instead of a random mass of unused information. Be prepared for change by keeping your databases in order.

5. If You Don’t Look After Your Data, Someone Else Will

One of the most important aspects of database management is keeping your information secure. If you don’t pay attention to how you’re storing and protecting your data, someone will notice and take full advantage of it.

Hackers love a poorly protected data dump. It’s a treasure trove that they’re only too happy to organize by themselves. Being caught without proper protection for your databases is a disaster for any business – don’t let it happen to you.

Final Thoughts

Good data hygiene and database management practices keep your business safe and let you get ahead of the competition. Make better use of your data and improve your company’s strategy and revenues!